Implementing the Management Plan
in natural protected area ROSCI0263 Valea IeriiSMIS code 103698
Beneficiary: EPMC Consulting SRL
EPMC is a dynamic Romanian consultancy company with a relevant experience in delivering enviromental services during the last 10 years, all over Romania.
Our team of experts covers a sustainable multidisciplinary capacity, therefore, since July 2016, EPMC has become the official custodian of two protected areas in Romania, by signing two conventions with the Environmental Protection Agency regarding the following protected sites:
ROSCI0236 Valea Ierii (located in the North-Western development region, in Cluj county)
ROSPA0139 & ROSCI0419
ROSPA0139 Piemontul Munţilor Metaliferi, including the reservation 2.519 Măgura Uroiului and ROSCI0419 Mureşul Mijlociu-Cugir (located in the Center and Western development region, in Alba and Hunedora counties).
Biodiversity and its conservation have been a constant interest to us, since the beginning, besides our core field – preparing the environment-related documents required by both companies and individuals in order to implement projects throughout Romania.
ROSCI0263 Valea Ierii
Natura 2000 protected area managed by EPMC, ROSCI0263 Valea Ierii is a part of Gilău-Muntele Mare Mountain Range – Apuseni Mountains, Western Carpathians in North-Western Romania.
Valea Ierii protected area streches out the territory of 2 rural communes in Cluj county: Valea Ierii (33%) and Băișoara (12%).
The total surface of the protected area has 6.289 ha, according to the Standard Natura 2000 Form, issued in 2016, mainly covered by deciduous forest, coniferous forest and mixture of the two.
Active conservation
Active conservation in ROSCI0263 Valea Ierii
- carnivorous species protection – wolf, bear, wild cat and otter (Canis lupus, Ursus arctos, Lynx lynx and Lutra lutra) is mainly accomplished with ensurance of a silent area in Șoimu-Budureasa
- moreover, there will be some measures of conservation of amphibian species located in the area (Lissotriton vulgaris ampelensis și Bombina variegata) and also the invertebrate species residing in the area
Efficient management
Efficient Management in ROSCI0263 Valea Ierii protected area by
- updating species and habitats inventories
- new inventory regarding plants species extingin in the area and
- monitoring the species and habitats residing in the standard Natura 2000 form
NATURA 2000 network
Natura 2000 is a network of core breeding and resting sites for rare and threatened species, and some rare natural habitat types which are protected in their own right.
It stretches across all 28 EU countries, both on land and at sea. The aim of the network is to ensure the long-term survival of Europe’s most valuable and threatened species and habitats, listed under:
- the Birds Directive
- the Habitats Directive
ROSCI0263 Valea Ierii
Natura 2000 protected area managed by EPMC, ROSCI0263 Valea Ierii is a part of Gilău-Muntele Mare Mountain Range – Apuseni Mountains, Western Carpathians in North-Western Romania.
Valea Ierii protected area streches out the territory of 2 rural communes in Cluj county: Valea Ierii (33%) and Băișoara (12%).
The total surface of the protected area has 6.289 ha, according to the Standard Natura 2000 Form, issued in 2016, mainly covered by deciduous forest, coniferous forest and mixture of the two.
Active conservation
Active conservation in ROSCI0263 Valea Ierii
- carnivorous species protection – wolf, bear, wild cat and otter (Canis lupus, Ursus arctos, Lynx lynx and Lutra lutra) is mainly accomplished with ensurance of a silent area in Șoimu-Budureasa
- moreover, there will be some measures of conservation of amphibian species located in the area (Lissotriton vulgaris ampelensis și Bombina variegata) and also the invertebrate species residing in the area
Efficient management
Efficient Management in ROSCI0263 Valea Ierii protected area by
- updating species and habitats inventories
- new inventory regarding plants species extingin in the area and
- monitoring the species and habitats residing in the standard Natura 2000 form
NATURA 2000 network
Natura 2000 is a network of core breeding and resting sites for rare and threatened species, and some rare natural habitat types which are protected in their own right.
It stretches across all 28 EU countries, both on land and at sea. The aim of the network is to ensure the long-term survival of Europe’s most valuable and threatened species and habitats, listed under:
- the Birds Directive
- the Habitats Directive
The content of this website does not necessary represent the official view of the European Union or the Romanian Government.
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